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Boise, Are you ready for spring?

With Spring just 20 days away I am wondering who is ready for Spring and what does that mean to you?  Here in Northwest (Okay Boise) we had a pretty mild winter compared to last year’s snowmageddon and we got off pretty darn easy.

We experienced some very early pre-spring teasing weather with lots of sunshine and warm weather only to jump back into winter with snow, wind and cold weather! Hey mother nature, that wasn’t very funny!

With all my garden and seed catalogs I got excited to start planning this year’s plantings. With the nice weather, the bulbs started popping up, branches were swelling, and perennials began emerging from their crowns. Oh, of course the weeds started to rear their cherry faces too.

I was ready to get a jump on garden prep, get the weeding done and the last of the winter pruning complete to be ahead of the game and then winter returned. Sigh…

Oh well, I should have known better and I settled down and placed my plant orders and will wait anxiously for them to arrive. So excited to see this year’s garden, have the patios all set up and enjoy family and friends.

What is your favorite season? How do you spend your time in the Spring and Summer? Are you ready to play outside?Who’s with me? Let’s start the countdown today…20, 19, 18

Happy almost Spring everyone, let’s start planning!

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